Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

WARUNG GULA BALI " the joglo "

The Flavor and uniqueness of typical Balinese food has become one of the most unique characteristics after the beautiful panorama by this paradise island. The culinary in this hearty city - which also known as the most romantic place by some people, it offers a variety of refreshing, different and of course delicious and attractive foods.

Warung Gula Bali “THE JOGLO” is one of the best local food (at least for me) that served anykind of Balinese food style with the good taste, ambiance and also affordable price.
The signature dishes that you might want to try are bubur sumsum (Indonesian gruel with sweet sauce), Tipat Cantok / Gado-gado (Indonesian food served with coconut sauce and mixed vegetables), Rujak Campur Gula Bali (mixed fruits with brown sugar sauce), Rujak Bulung Kuah Pindang (Seawed with Indonesian sauce and vinegar), Daluman (ice cendol) and more to come.

And, my favorit dishes that I have tried here are Rujak Bulung Kuah Pindang, the taste is really fresh in my mouth and I love Singkong Salju (cassava with coconut milk).
The ambiance is nice and full decorated with Balinese style which you can tell it Home. It’s really a good place to comfort yourself for breakfast and brunch.

Business Hours: 8am to 5 pm
Ph: 0361 - 248848

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Rujak Bulung, Seaweed Salad

Bali is an island that is famous for many exotic tourist destinations, beside that Bali is also famous for its unique culinary and one of them is Rujak Bulung.

" Bulung " is a term in the Balinese language means Seaweed and rujak itself is such kind of  salad. Then Bulung means the fresh seaweed which is added with chili, shrimp paste, powder, grated coconut, fish broth and salt. All of ingredients are grinded finely except the grated coconut. Meanwhile, grated coconut is sprinkled on the seaweed. After that process, the ingredients are doused above seaweed and bulung can be served. It tastes delicious and spicy. This spicy seaweed does not mean to decrease its nutritional value.  Its nutrient content is still very high and it is very good for our healthy.

Based on some research that had been scattered, seaweed can prevent cancer, because it has  an antioxidant chlorophyll, preventing cardiovascular disease, premature aging and maintain health of skin. So it is good for diet for the people having problem with to cough, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, influenza, stomachache, worms, etc. Nutritional composition seaweed is very complete which consists of 33.3 % carbohydrate, 8.6 % fat, 5.4 % protein, 27.8 % water, and 3 % fiber. In fact there are also a lot of mineral deposits such as nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, selenium, and the amount of nucleic acid enzymes and amino acids as well as an addition of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K.

Generally, the society in Bali know two types of seaweeds that are used for salad, namely, “Bulung Buni“ and “Bulung Bok”.  To get these seaweeds you can come to Serangan Island, Denpasar, Bali which can be taken approximately 30 minutes from Ngurah Rai Airport. The offer price is very affordable for our pocket that is only Rp 3,000 - Rp 5,000 per pack.

So if you come to Bali it will be not complete if you have not tasted this unique Seaweed Salad culinary in Bali.